Completed -
All systems have passed QC, maintenance is complete
Feb 14, 16:44 PST
Verifying -
The identified issue has been resolved. Systems are up, and we're running a QC process on our environment to verify everything is working properly.
Feb 14, 13:12 PST
Update -
The maintenance window is being extended, due to an issue that has been identified during maintenance.
Feb 14, 12:21 PST
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 14, 11:00 PST
Update -
We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.
Feb 12, 10:07 PST
Scheduled -
We will be performing maintenance on the London network infrastructure. During this maintenance window, access to London infrastructure will be unavailable, but workstations will remain up and access will be restored following the maintenance.
Feb 12, 10:06 PST